
Connect to Ministries for everyone:    Children's Ministries, Youth Ministries, Adult Bible Studies, Speakers/ Evangelists, Missions, and Community Outreach.   Details for the program and ministries of the 130th Annual LVCM Encampment will begin soon.  Be sure to visit frequently to learn what is being planned.

Children's Ministry

Connect to Children’s Ministry 

Jeanne Shaffer

Jeanne is excited to be helping children at LVCM grow closer to God and to all of us.  She is busily working to prepare for the 2024 Children's Program.  To help Jeanne and her staff prepare for this year's program, she asks that parents register ASAP. Check back to learn more.  Teachers/ Helpers are also needed.  Teaching a child to love God is the best gift you can give them!

Connect to youth ministries at LVCM

Connect to Youth Ministry

We believe our youth are the church of  tomorrow. Introducing our youth leaders for the 2024 youth program, Joy Brewer and Zach Belk assisted by Nicole Belk and Michael Brewer. We, furthermore, believe they are an important part of  the church of today!  Check back here to register. 

Connect through Out Reach activities

Connect to Community Outreach

Be sure to keep an eye out for a list of donations. Also be sure to keep an eye out for the full schedule and a list of daily events! This year we have added a little something for each day to bring us all closer together. Events such as an afternoon Men’s Coffee, an evening campfire with all the fixings for smores, an afternoon with Bingo, and of course our annual campers cornhole tournament!  We truly have something planned for all ages


Connect to  Bible Study etc.

2024 Bible School Teacher, Jayson Bleyer, will teach daily Monday July 15 - Friday July 19.  Visit the 2024 Events Page to learn about other leaders.

We invite all (any age) to connect to Ministries at LVCM.

Be sure to follow us on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM to keep up on all the activities and events of camp week!